Friday, June 4, 2010

Cole's 9 Months Old!!

Cole's 9 Month Stats:

Weighs 21 pounds and is 29 1/2" long (longer and heavier than Rylee was at 1 year!)
Has 4 teeth...2 top and 2 bottom
Has had his 2nd hair cut
Mastered crawling
Pulls up to his knees and tries to pull up to feet
Sometimes stands on his feet and hands like he's going to do the bear walk
Sleeps from 8pm to 6-8 am
Has enjoyed sleeping on his tummy for the last couple of weeks
Eats 3 solid meals a day with 3-4 bottles
Really likes his baby mum-mums, Gerber Puffs, and Biter Biscuit snacks
LOVES his sister and laughs at her all the time!!
Says "dadada" "nanana"and "mmmma"
Is in to EVERYTHING!!!