Sunday, January 31, 2010

30 on the 30th

Jamie turned 30 on January 30th. We celebrated his birthday by attending his District 22 Race Banquet. He had earned 1st place in both his classes and received his plaques at the banquet. His Dad and Laurie surprised him by bringing him a cake to the banquet. He had NO CLUE they were even going to be there and it was a great surprise. After the banquet, we hit the pool/hot tub, then the casino for a little gambling (He lost $6 and I won $0.90! Wow...we are high rollers), had a few drinks, and called it a night. Here are a few highlights of the evening...

Happy Birthday, Daddy!!

Rylee surprised Jamie with a birthday breakfast of cheesy eggs and pancakes...his favorites. She picked out Transformers decorations and topped off his pancakes with an entire box of candles.

Happy Birthday, Daddy!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Work In Progress

For the last few Winters, my Dad has been finishing our basement. It is really coming along. Yesterday we installed the cabinets in the bar area. It was alot of work for him as he had to customise the bottom set of cabinets. The "to do" list is really shrinking. The last few duties include:

  1. Finish the ceiling
  2. Install the sink and countertop in the bar area
  3. Frame out the bedroom window
  4. Hang bathroom towel racks, tp holder, etc
  5. Tape, mud, and paint at the bottom of the stairs
  6. Flooring

Here are a few sneak peaks of the basement and the cabinets that we finished. More pictures soon to come!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

It's Official...We Have a Roller!

I posted in Cole's blog the other day about how it wasn't going to be long until he rolled in both directions and I was right. He rolled back to tummy today! He was laying in the living room while I was putting away groceries. I heard him start making a bunch of noise, so I went to check on him. I witnesses the last little effort to get over. He now can roll over both ways...what a big boy!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cole's Update

Cole is growing and growing so fast I can hardly believe it. At 3 months he was wearing 6 month clothing and now at 4 months, most of those are too small. This is quite a change for me being that Rylee wore 9 month clothing at a year and at 3 she is still wearing 2T most of the time! Cole at 3 months was 1 pound lighter and 1 inch shorter than Rylee was at 7 months!!

He is laughing and "talking" up a storm. He rolls from tummy to back and almost from back to tummy. I'm sure it won't be long! He had ceral for the 1st time this week as he was REALLY getting off schedule. If he had it his way, he'd eat every 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Once he had cereal, he is back to 3 hour feedings and sleeps 11 hours at night! He did really well with it the very 1st time. I guess he was ready! He loves to play with his feet and LOVES to laugh at his sister. His giggles are SO cute.

Cole's Stats at 4 months:

15.15 pounds (75%)
25 1/2" (75%)
Head - 16 1/2" (75%)

There is so much to be thankful for. I look forward to all the milestones yet to come...

Rylee's Update

Rylee has been enjoying her brother and LOVIN' being a big sister. She is a GREAT helper for running and grabing toys, paci's, burp cloths, etc. She snuggles him and loves it when he laughs at her. In fact, she has found MANY ways to entertain him :) She has been invited over to her friend, Kendal Niemeier's (yes she is known at our house by first and last name) house to play and looks forward to those days so much. Mom looks forward to those days too as they are great leverage points to get those little 3 year old ears to listen :)

Other activities that she has enjoyed is the Tumbling and Kid Fit classes at the YMCA. She is a busy little girl that moves and chats non-stop! Silence is rare at our house! A new experience she had recently was tubing at Horseshoe Bend. This is definately something we will do again!

At 3 years old, she is 36 inches tall and weighs 29 pounds. It seems like yesterday she was no bigger than Cole. Where did the time go?

Gonna Try Again...

So, once again I have been slacking on my blogging. I know I've said it before but I am REALLY gonna try again to keep this page updated more!! There are so many wonderful moments going on in our household to share that I need to keep this at the top of my down time list. Maybe THAT's why I've gotten behind...down time? What's that?!?!?

So here it goes...take #?!? Oh, Who knows :)