It's hard to believe that Cole is 6 months old already!! He is such a fun loving little guy and continues to laugh so hard at his sister. Thanks to Rylee I was able to capture some great pictures of Cole. There are many more photos posted on my facebook site for you to view!
6 months old stats:
- 27 1/2 inches long
- 18.8 pounds
- Rolls in both directions
- LOVES to play on his tummy
- Sits alone for short periods of time
- Has had 1 haircut
- Has 2 bottom teeth
- Takes a morning and afternoon nap (about 2 hours each)
- Goes to bed around 8 and wakes around 7. He no longer sleeps through the night like he did in the past but only gets up 1-2 times a night to nurse.
- Has tried alot of different baby foods...squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, prunes, pears, and applesause.
- Prunes are by far Cole's favorite food!
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