Well, I have been posting alot about my recent photo shoots, so I thought it was time to post our latest news. Here is a photo update of our last month...

Well, I have been posting alot about my recent photo shoots, so I thought it was time to post our latest news. Here is a photo update of our last month...
Posted by Kim at 6:05 AM 0 comments
I had a great evening with Lori and her 2 children creating photos for a new photo album. You never know where life is going to take you and I was very honored to be helping them start their new chapters in their lives. Here ia just a small sample of the great photos taken of them at Pike's Point last week...enjoy!! Go to www.facebook.com/portraitsbykimpuhrman to see the full album.
Posted by Kim at 9:05 PM 0 comments
It was VERY hard for me to decide which pictures to post of the Paskert family. I had SOOOO many great shots of them and feel very fortunate to have such a hard decision. Not all shoots go so well!! A big thank you goes out to the Paskert family for allowing me into your lives to capture some memories. To see more photos from this shoot go to www.facebook.com/portraitsbykimpuhrman and click on "Paskert Family Photo Shoot"
Posted by Kim at 6:53 AM 0 comments
As May reaches it's half way mark, I feel very fortunate and greatful for the many photo shoots this month. It started with Mattison's 3 month photos. This was the 3rd time that I've taken her photos and very much look forward to future shoots with her...she is such a doll. I have a family shoot today consisting of 3 families, a 9 week old and a 2 year old shoot Tuesday, another family shoot at Pike's Point Wednesday and 2 shoots Memorial Day Weekend that will include 2 family sessions and a maternity!!! Phew...that's alot of pictrues!! Check back soon as I will be posting updates from all these shoots this month!
Here are a few of my favorites from Mattie's recent shoot and as always, feel free to check my facebook site to view the entire shoots! www.facebook.com/portraitsbykimpuhrman
Posted by Kim at 7:43 AM 0 comments