Friday, February 26, 2010

Cross it off the list!

One more "To Do" checked off the list! We are getting closer to finally being able to truely use the space. I just can't wait for the flooring to get done. That'll be SOOO nice!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Wow! What a game!!
The girls won a nail biter by 2 points and Cassie sealed the deal with a free throw with just a few seconds in the game. We are so excited for Cassie and her teammates to have made it to the State Tournament in Des Moines.
Congratuations and GOOD LUCK AT STATE!!!

Banks Family Photo Shoot

I had a great time capturing the moments of the Banks family and their precious little girl, Mattison. I look forward to the possibility of future shoots with them! Check out the full photo shoot at

Cole's 1st Time Swimming

On Valentine's Day, we took the kids to Bridges Bay for some swim time. This was Cole's 1st time swimming and honestly he could take it or leave it. Rylee of course had a ball. Too bad the water in the kiddie area was so cold otherwise we probably would have stayed a bit longer. As hard as we tried to convince Rylee that blue lips were not a good thing, she continued to play :) Jamie and I enjoyed the much warmer Lazy River and hot tub :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Will You Be My Valentine?

Valentine's Day this year was actually Valentine's Day Weekend. Friday night started out with going to a Wii Rock Band party. It was an ok time, umm, well it was pretty fun...ok, we had a blast! It consisted of about (18) 30something adults and 8 kids between the ages of 3 weeks and 7 years. I think everyone took part at some time or another either singing, playing the bass or lead guitar, or drumming. Everyone brought a snack and confirmed we are definately going to do it again.
Jamie and I had a great prime rib and seafood buffet Saturday night to celebrate Valentine's day due to me being on call Sunday night. After dinner we met up with our good friends Nick & Ashley and Dale & Maria for the movie "Valentine's Day". Once again it was a great time with great friends. Then on Sunday Jamie surprised the kids with valentines. The surprise for me was that Rylee's valentine was a box of chocolates and the bigger surprise was that he gave them to her first thing in the morning while we all layed in bed together and let her eat some before breakfast. You should have see her. I've never seen the look on a child's face like they were in heaven before but I did this morning! She savored every last bite and even made "mmm" noises :) Cole enjoyed squeezing and kissing his gorilla. Rylee told me, "He not kissing it, Mom. He eating it!"

Then Sunday afternoon we went to Bridges Bay swimming. It was Cole's 1st time and I think he really enjoyed it! The water was a bit chilling in the play area but the hot tub and lazy river were delightful... We topped off the day with a trip to McDonald's for some chicken nuggets and french fries.

I would have to say that Valentine's Day was an A++. What a wonderful time...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

2nd Tooth has Arrived!!

Cole's 2nd tooth has come right on cue. I was guessing that I would be blogging about this last night or today and I was right! I checked to see if he got his 2nd tooth when he woke up this morning and there it was. Now he has 2 bottom teeth. What a big boy...

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Joys of Having a BIG SISTER!!


Just as I suspected, the teething update post would be soon. Today I felt Cole's 1st little toothy - the bottom right. And, I assume I'll be blogging about his 2nd tooth either tonight or tomorrow as it is ready but still hiding a bit. Rylee said, "Oh, are so big. You have a toothy, don't you?! Ya you do! Ya you do! You want some candy?" No Rylee, no candy...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

New Toy

Cole enjoyed his time in his new toy... Rylee enjoyed showing him how to play with everything :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Well, we are very, very close to getting some teeth. Cole has been not the happiest of campers lately and he had good reason not to be. I can see and feel his 2 bottom teeth coming through. They haven't popped through entirely yet, but I can feel them! He really didn't want to go down for his morning nap today but after a little dose of Baby Oragel, he smiled at me, settled right down, and took his nap. Poor little guy just needed a little pain relief... If he is anything like Rylee, he'll get his teeth 2 at a time and so far, it looks like that's what's happening! I'm sure I'll be posting an update very soon :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Check it out!

Check out my facebook page for my recent photo shoots. I'm looking forward to my scheduled shoots coming up and will be posting my work at:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Rylee has had a few interesting wardrobe choices lately...